Project Legacy was birthed in January 2014 from a vision to establish a permanent campground and event facility that will enable South Texas Royal Rangers to work with more boys than ever, more effectively than ever.  In 2015, Camp Williams, located South of Hallettsville, Texas, was purchased using funds given through Project Legacy up to that point.

Our goal is to completely pay off and intentionally develop an outdoor adventure and activity center to host a broad range of events. These events would include camps, training for men and boys and leadership retreats that couldroutinely host 1,000+ attendees.

A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a boy.

Boys become men in the company of men.

If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God.

Evangelize, Equip, and Empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders…

Our Mission

While mentoring boys, Royal Rangers leaders cast a vision by modeling godly manhood and servant leadership in their personal and public life. Boys and young men are invited to embark upon a life of adventure, to seek strength of character, and to discover a deeply personal task or purpose to live for. The story of Peter exemplifies this process.

Now, more than ever, boys are experiencing a crisis of confidence that reaches deep within their soul.


Manhood is an adventure—an adventure where boys do what God asks them to do. Consider when Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and come to Him across the water (Matthew 14:25–29). Like Peter, boys need to have faith to obey. When Jesus asks them to do something—to help the needy or run for class president or embark on a missions endeavor—it’s an invitation to adventure. Royal Rangers mentoring program helps boys relate to God and people by teaching them to do what God asks in the adventures of their lives.


Battles are inevitable in the adventurous life of a young man. Jesus invites boys to adventure, which leads to the battles where their character is forged. Boys build the right character by watching Jesus. Just look at what happened when Peter took his eyes off Jesus—failure. However, that doesn’t mean complete disaster. Peter failed but Jesus was still there to lift him to safety. Similarly, Christ lifts us when we fail. Best of all, if filtered properly, failure can often build character.


Peter experienced multiple successes and failures before he realized his purpose in life. It was only after Jesus was gone that Peter began to fulfill his role as a leader of the newly established Church. He came alive with boldness and determination, preaching a sermon where three thousand souls gave themselves to God (Acts 2:1–41).

Here we see the fulfillment of the Royal Rangers program’s vision of manhood: Through the process of adventure and character development comes the discovery and empowerment of lifelong task. Jesus knows His task for your boys. Royal Rangers ministry will help your boys learn their great tasks in life and ensure they have the skills they need to accomplish them.

How can I help?


While the Royal Rangers mentoring program helps provide the vision of manhood, your church plays a key role in mentoring future men. Paul instructed Titus to forge strong men who were “temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love, and in endurance” who would “encourage the young.” Men are to be an example to the next generation by “doing what is good” and by “showing integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us” (Titus 2:1,6–8).

Since 2015, we’ve received nearly $250,000 in donations to purchase and improve Camp Williams!  With the vision to develop Camp Williams into an effective ministry and training center, there is still more that God has called us to do!

We are scheduling services now to present the project to your congregation and pray that you will be a part of this movement to change the future of young men that will one day lead our nation, families, churches and fellowship.

It takes roughly $5,000 a month to mentor the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders through Camp Williams. Your monthly partnership will enable us to mentor more boys and ever, more effectively than ever and is 100% tax deductible!

It's better to build boys than mend men.

Monthly Goal




Ways to give:

1. Online – visit this link to give online as a one-time or recurring monthly gift.
2. Check – mail to STXRR, 12111 Moon Harvest Ln, Cypress, TX 77433. Please make checks payable to STXRR w/ Camp Williams in the memo line.

Let’s build a legacy of investing into future men. The need has been existent for years and now is our chance to collectively answer the call. Be a part of what God is doing through South Texas Royal Rangers!

Camp Williams Master Plan

Estimated 10 shower and toilet “rooms” allowing for privacy and true multi-purpose usage.

1 acre lined pond with beach entrances, a Southern dock.  Future plans include stocking for fishing

Planned as a two story building featuring a wrap around porch on the first floor, group meeting space, group/private lodging, an office adjacent to a meeting room with a commercial kitchen for serving food.

To facilitate large groups, services and classes in a covered setting as well as be setup as a place for sports such as basketball. 

Much smaller in size than the North Pavilion, located East of the pond and offer a place for small to medium sized groups to meet in a covered area with a beautiful view.

Built in a “village” to allow for shared utilities and provide a community feel.  Mixed use with private and group setups that can be rented throughout the year to those who are looking to stay with family or small groups at the camp.

A primitive blacksmith shop featuring a forge and tools along with storage and workspace for the FCF village and shooting sports activities.

Multipurpose building that can be used as a climate controlled area for group meetings and services while being flexible enough to be set up as a store during large events and have an area for indoor and outdoor serving of snacks and refreshments.

A cabin sized building that has a full bathroom and beds for those needing medical attention during large events.  Can be used as an additional cabin and indoor sleeping space for other events.

Room for 8 hookups with easy access to CR 444 in an area surrounded by huge, mature oaks.  Will allow us to host RV Maps volunteers to assist with projects and camp development.

Built in place of the current “lean to” building that is currently utilized for event registration.  Will allow for storage of heavy equipment, implements, vehicles and other large tools without intruding on the usable camp space where visitors will be gathered.


What to expect…
Each work day will begin with a set of tasks that are defined in advance of your arrival to Camp Williams. Some tools will be provided but please bring whatever tools will help with the projects.

How do I sign up?
If you are planning to attend one of the scheduled work days, we encourage you to send a note to Ken Porter at [email protected] so he can discuss projects with you and make sure you’re prepared to hit the ground running.

You can also comment on our Facebook event to let us know which project you’d like to help with.

What if I cannot physically help?
We understand that it is not possible for everyone to help out the way that they may like; however, each project that gets schedule requires materials to complete. Financial donations play a very important role in our ability to schedule and complete a project. If you feel so led we would encourage you to donate monetarily to the camp using our GoFundMe or by sending a check to our P.O. box.

Whether it is your prayer, time, or financial support, we sincerely appreciate your contribution to this most worthy cause.


September 21, 2024
  • Camp Williams Fall Workday

    September 21, 2024

November 2, 2024
  • Camp Williams Fall Workday

    November 2, 2024

February 1, 2025
  • Camp Williams Winter Workday

    February 1, 2025
    Camp Williams, 1345 Co Rd 444, Hallettsville, TX 77964, USA