As I sit here in my office preparing a lesson plan for my upcoming BGMC merit video, I start to think about mission projects that I have helped on or heard about. It makes me long for the days that this world opens back up and we can move about freely. Of course at Powwow and other South Texas Royal Ranger gatherings, I’m always saying “give to missions!” But in this time of personal need and loss, how can we spread God’s word when we are stuck at home and some have lost their jobs.
You might say, Commander Phillip, I literally don’t have anything to give but I want to. What can I do?? There is power in prayer! Get on your knees in your quiet place and reach out to God and tell Him what you need. Pray for your family, for your pastor, for missionaries and workers who are in these places we cannot get to. In Philippians 4:6, Paul tells us “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.” (NLT) Also in Matthew 6:34, Jesus tells us “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.” (NLT) There is such power in prayer and it needs to be the first thing we think of when a problem or decision arises.
I have personally seen God answer prayers before I could even finish what I was saying. I have also seen God answer my prayer in a different way than I asked. I’m not a scholar and would never profess to be one, so I can’t give you a nice fancy Biblical answer as to why God answers one prayer request and seems to not answer another. There are many reasons why He would or would not answer them. Sure we could say, He has a better blessing down the road or something along those lines but I imagine it can be summed up the same way my dad answered the questioned of why I couldn’t have something… “Because I’m your father and I said so.”
But Jesus also tells us to pray until we get an answer. In Luke 18:1, Luke writes “One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.” (NLT) In this passage, Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow. This widow drove an unjust judge crazy with her continual requests for justice. After time, the judge finally gave her justice to get her to leave him alone. In verse 7, Jesus says “So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night?” (NLT) We are His chosen people so we need to pray, pray and pray until we get an answer!
I know that God has blessings in store for us and is just waiting to bestow them on us. Just continue to pray and put it in His hands. Paul goes on to write in Philippians 4:7, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (NLT) Brothers, I am no expert on giving, praying and trusting in God. I have trusted myself and stumbled and fallen, but I got back up, asked God for forgiveness, trusted God and succeeded. Then I turned around and trusted myself again and just ran this vicious cycle. I’m hoping that one day I will take my own words in this blog to heart and continue to trust God in EVERYTHING!
I challenge you today, in this time of uncertainty, let’s work together to trust God in everything we do. Reach out to a brother and encourage him to trust in God and that you are trusting in God with him to reach a need. We can’t do this alone. We need each other just like we need God. Blessings to you all in the mighty and powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!
Love you guys,
Phillip Steinberg